oneweekdriving Terms and Conditions
A non-refundable deposit fee is required at the time of booking. This is then deducted from the driving course price.
The full balance of the intensive driving course fee is payable on start of the driving intensive course in cash or bank transfer.
No driving courses will be brought over to the next week, unless agreed by the instructor. The total Sessions of the course booked, includes the time for the test. Extra Sessions can be booked, but for an additional cost direct with your instructor
If your instructor feels you are not ready to take your practical driving test, even on day of exam, because of safety, then pupil will NOT be allowed to take practical driving test with Oneweekdriving Specialist Ltd.
NO refund for your test or driving course, will be offered to you.
Pupils who NO-SHOW or cancel at short notice, for any of tests or course lessons, then no refunds will be offered.
We will then have the right to cancel the driving intensive course completely.
If a pupil cancels a driving course through their own decision, then NO REFUND.
Pupils who book extra driving lessons and who NO-SHOW, or cancel at very short notice less than 48 hrs, then the missed driving tuition fee will be charged and payable to the driving instructor.
You must attend each driving sessions on time, and in a fit state to drive.
NOT to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescribed medicines, this will affect your concentration and awareness. if any of our driving instructors believe you are unfit to drive, he or she will tell you that the driving lessons / driving course is CANCELLED because of legal reasons. No refund will be offered.
We will provide the pupil with the same instructor each day of the driving course. But, through circumstances, it might not be possible to do so. No pupil should drive continuously, so very short breaks will be arranged between pupils and instructor to suite individuals.
All attempts will be made to obtain Practical driving tests on the last day of pupil’s intensive driving courses, if the pupil passed the Theory Test.
But when this is NOT possible in securing a place, the pupil is required to return later, to take their driving test.
A couple of Sessions are kept back from the driving course, for the day of the practical driving test.
No Practical test can be booked until Theory test is passed. A Practical Driving Test date can only be achieved by the availability, when we consult the DSA website at the time of the practical test booking. Throughout the intensive driving course, the pupil will be assessed of their driving ability. If it is thought that the pupil would not pass the practical driving test, throughout the driving course, she/he will be informed and offered extra sessions to bring the driving up to driving practical test standard, so long as the instructor has the space in their diary to accommodate the extra sessions.
A professional approach is demanded of the pupil and no abusive behaviour towards instructor will be accepted. The intensive driving course will be terminated, and the fee not refunded in such event. A driving course, any test fees and deposit will be held for a maximum of 3 months, if a pupil is unable to start the course for whatever reason After that time, a new deposit, test fees, driving course fee will be required to be repaid.
All courses are based on average learning capabilities and are a guide only. No guarantees of 1st time pass can be implied. The contract of the Driving Course is between the Pupil and the Instructor. Any disputes claim, or discussion should therefore be taken up with the instructor and not with us.
We cannot be held liable for any compensation claim from a pupil, nor can it be held responsible for any traffic law violation on the part of the pupil.
You must pass the legal eye sight test before allowed on the course. The instructor will check this on the first lesson and if you fail. If in doubt, have eye sight checked at an optician before course.
We will use your personal data in accordance with the data protection act 1998 and it will be used to book your theory test or driving test, to arrange your driving instructor regarding the lessons and to take payment if necessary. We will only give your personal details to third parties where the law either requires or allows us to do so.
However, we can’t offer anyone a guaranteed pass on these courses, as this is dependent on the individual’s ability on the day of the driving test.
Please note that there is no such thing as a guaranteed pass with any reputable driving school.